No previous Cheerleading, dance or tumbling experience required! Our tiny teams will perform at 2 competitions. The PREP Cheer/Hip Hop Teams will compete in 3 competitions with in a 1-2 hour drive in Pennsylvania, The ELITE teams will compete in Pennsylvania, New York, West Virginia and/or Ohio with potential Bid wins to VA,OH,TN,& FL. Practices will focus on stunting, tumbling and competition routines. Practices will begin in August and are held in our gym located in the Allegheny Valley Veterans Center, Clarendon PA. A skills assessment will be conducted to determine the best fit based on age and skill ability for team placements. Date of evaluation TBA. Every athlete will make a team.
Season time frames TINY PREP TEAMS August 1, 2024 through Feb/March of 2025
MINI-SR PREP TEAMS August 1, 2024 through Feb/March 2025 (depending on team) 8 payments
ELITE TEAMS August 1,2024 through March/May 2025 (depending on team bids) 9 payments
Registration: May 1, 2024 thru August 1, 2024
(Late fee of $20.00 if registering after August 1st )
Registration Fee: $50.00 non-refundable USASF fee
Monthly Fee: Member & Non-member rates. See below
Fundraising fee: Cheer-- PREP $200 ELITE $275 HIP HOP $150, BID HIP HOP TEAMS $200
* Coaches reserve the right to place athletes on teams based on their skill level. **time frames can change
TINY CHEER: Ages 3-6
Practice once a week
$25 per month as a YMCA member
$50 per Month as a Non Member
**Tiny Athletes participating in cheer & hip hop monthly cost
$55 per month as a YMCA Member
$85 per month as a Non Member
All Star Cheer teams:
Practice depends on the team
$40 per month as a YMCA member
$80 per month as a Non Member
Sibling(s) discount of $10.00 after 1st child is registered for program.
Hip Hop
Hip Hop practices once a week
$40 per month as a Ymca Member
$70 per month as a Non Member
Cheer & Hip Hop Pricing
$70 per month as a Ymca Member
$130 per month as a Non Member
Open Gym Session
Weekly Session #1 TBA
Weekly Session #2 TBA
Weekly Session #3 TBA
Ages 3-6 Ages 7 & up
Time 5:45-6:30p 6:30-7:30pm
$15 per session as a Ymca Member
$30 per session as a Non Member
Register for sessions at the warren YMCA's Front desk, direct message our facebook page or online at https://ops1.operations.daxko.com/Online/2207/ProgramsV2/Home.mvc click Cheer Athletix and the weekly session you would like to attend, Registration begins 4/30/22.
** dates/times subject to change.
** Sessions must meet minimum of 8 participants to be offered.
Cheer/HipHop Summer Clinic
Ages 3-6yrs Ages: 7-11Yrs
time : 5:30-6:30pm Time: 6:30-8:00pm
Fee: $40 YMCA members Fee: $40 YMCA Members
$60 Non Members $60 Non Members
Ages 12-18
Fee: $40 YMCA Members
$60 Non Members

Tumbling Group Session:
$20 per Extreme Athletix Member $25 Non Member
*1 Hour (min 3- max 5 Athletes)
Tumbling Private:
$40 per Extreme Athletix Member $45 Non Member ( 1 hour)
spots are available to our program members first, then open to public
** Tumbling Sessions depend on instructor availability! Message 814-730-6644 for availability
Tumbling Classes
Requirement per athlete :
Cheer = $100 Tiny/ $200.00 prep/$275 Elite
HIP HOP = $100 Tiny / $150 Hip Hop Teams/ $200 BID HIP HOP TEAMS
*A buy-out option is available for this amount if you choose not to participate in fundraising. Visit our Facebook page for info or to keep up on upcoming fundraising.
Athlete is also responsible for:
-Shoes, hair piece, make-up kit and bow (These items may be fundraised in addition to the requirement. Approximate cost $120)
**Elite teams Responsible for purchasing : Sports bra & body liner in addition to above.
-$50(prep) $75 (elite) uniform rental fee - CHEER ONLY - Cannot be fundraised and is due at the user agreement signing.
--Hip Hop Team members will be responsible for purchasing their own outfit, shoes, hair piece & bow.
Recap of important info
.**Monthly Program fees:
The monthly session fee due before 12:00 noon on the 15th of every month. prep teams a total of 8 payments and elite teams a total of 9 payments
Payments will NOT be accepted at the front desk of the YMCA, instead there is a locked box marked '"Extreme Athletix Monthly payment" in the entrance that all payments need to be placed into.
Please clearly mark the envelope with participant's name, team and amount being paid.
Payments not made on time will be subject to a $25.00 late fee.
Make checks payable to Extreme Athletix Ymca
*In addition:
In addition to the mandatory session fees, participants will also be required to participate in Team fundraisers, with each participant responsible for raising $200.00 prep teams-- $275 Elite teams. Hip Hop fundraising fee $150.00, BID HIP HOP TEAMS $200. If you choose not to participate in fundraising, you will pay full amount.
A $50 Non Refundable USASF fee is due at registration along with a copy of athletes birth certificate
Coaches reserve the right to place athletes on teams based on their skill levels.
Cheer teams are subject to combine depending on registration numbers.
Hip Hop teams availability will depend on registration numbers.
If an athlete is invited to perform on an additional team, a $50.00 fee and signed crossover agreement will be due at that time.
We reserve the right to change practice times to better fit all teams.
Financial Assistance
Program cost assistance and YMCA membership discount may be available through the YMCA scholarship program. An application is required and takes approximately 2 weeks to process. See the YMCA Front Desk or contact Cathy Peterson, Staff Coordinator for further information. See https://warrenymca.org/financial-aid
YMCA Membership Info
Practice Schedule
Season Practice Schedule
~times subject tbd
5:00-5:30 TINY CHEER
5:30-6:00 TINY HIP HOP
6:00-7:00 TBD